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Video games were entitled the ninth form of arts. A citation from Okami's blog meticulously encapsulates my understanding of them and emancipates me from the misery of describing it with my poor vocabulary.

"Like other ealier acknowledged forms of art, the basical aim of game is to create a virtual world, which contains the idea, view, feeling etc. of the author. Absorbed into the fictitious world, we can get to know the author’s inside world, seek the treasure of his mind, and finally produce our own points towards the whole life or little things in life.

Different from other forms of art, video game has a vital advantage - - participation, and it’s participation that is the principle of the video game. We can imagine that a game is just like a play or a film, but different from them both, when enjoying it, you’re not the audience, but the performer. We can say that video game breaks the limitation of audiences’ third party capacity, and thus it truly brings players into the world. In many video games, every choice makes a difference to the faith of the character, which gives players huge posibility of recreation. To conclude, the feeling of participation is the most vital advantage of video game that other forms of art don’t have" 

I view the video games as a way of experiencing. Here I share some of the games I played in recent year that have a profound impact on me.

Monster Hunter


Assassin's Creed

Total War


The Witcher

It Takes Two


I also have played very competitively in League of Legends (Grandmaster 350 LP ), and Naraka Bladepoint (4500 LP). Get in touch if you are interested in have fun together!

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