Shuzhe (Jerry) Guan, 关舒哲
Ph.D. Candidate
I have six furry friends, Aowu, Aodan (in China), Aopipi (in China), Aobaobao, Aopaopao and Aocohol.
Aowu, 嗷呜
I am the smart and mischievous one who keeps running and meowing to keep the humans awake in the middle of a night. I think this is a way of keeping their minds sharp, especially when they have an important meeting the next morning! I also believe I am the alpha cat in the house so I do routinely patrol my territory five times a day. Lucky for the other 4 subordinates of mine, I don't eat much.
Aodan, 嗷蛋
Hi! I am the gentle cat whose only hobbies are eating, grooming and sleeping. I have mysophobia: not only do I like to clean myself, but also to clean my brother and sister, and the humans who live with me. I steal foods, poop outside of the litter box, and pee in the car seat. However, I got away with it every time by deceiving the people with my big, soulful, brown eyes.
Aopipi, 嗷皮皮
First of all, I don't know anything! I like to stare outside of the windows for reasons I do not understand. Second, I don't have teeth even though I am over 1 year old so I swallow the entire dry food particle. I can get grumpy when people hold me for too long, or when Aowu touches me with his teeth! Also, don't think I am fat! It is all because of my fur.
Aobaobao and Aopaopao, 嗷包包,嗷泡泡
We have been with this human for as far as we can remember! We thought of Aowu as our father and this human as our slave. We love to randomly start running in the middle of this human's academic meeting, sleep, and meals.
Aocoho, 嗷coco
I was originally bought as a breeding female cat at a breeder's but the male breeding cat ran away :( All the other female breeding cats did not like me! Even though I am huge, I am very gentle and well-behaved (admitting that I am now the primary suspect for urinating on couch). I don't meow but only make "gugu" sounds.